071 681 2787 admin@letshearit.co.za

The practice was founded in 2011

by Hannelie Kroon wanting to express her passion for people with top-notch care.

Struggling to hear?

Hearing loss affects 10-20% of the population.

We can help. Let our team guide you on your journey to better hearing.

Ringing in your ears?

We specialize in the treatment of Tinnitus.
We have travelled the world to learn from the experts.

Sensitive to sounds?

We can help you to love sounds again.

Feeling dizzy?

We were trained internationally to evaluate and treat balance disorders.

Are you struggling? We want to help!

071 681 2787


Do you hear noises in your ear which you just cannot escape? Tinnitus can leave you feeling tired, frustrated and stressed. We specialise in tinnitus treatment.


Does it seem like the volume in your world is turned up too high? Hyperacusis is the increased sensitivity to sounds. Our team have been trained internationally in the treatment of hyperacusis.


Do you struggle to hear what people are saying in the presence of background noise? Most people with hearing loss can be helped successfully. Let us start the process.

Balance Disorders

Feeling dizzy? Head spinning? Are you scared to turn your head or leave the house? Is poor balance stealing your quality of life? We are trained to evaluate the balance system and to provide vestibular rehabilitation therapy.

Neuro Speech

Language is a complex symbol system used by humans to communicate to one another.  There are several neurological systems involved that need to collaborate with exact precision in order for us to say a sentence.

Our Team

Hannelie Kroon

Hannelie Kroon

Practice Owner

Nandel Gouws

Nandel Gouws


Emmie Fourie

Emmie Fourie


Recent News

It’s the season of hot chocolate and… middle ear infection

It’s the season of hot chocolate and… middle ear infection

It is that time of year again when we prepare for the cold winter to arrive.  Did you know that middle ear infection is very common in winter? Middle ear infection (otitis media) is the inflammation of the middle ear space, the area behind the ear drum.  It often...

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Kroon Hearing, Tinnitus and Balance Clinic

Get help today!

071 681 2787

Midstream Hill Medical Park, Suite 119 Cnr Midstream Hill Boulevard & Godley Drive, Midstream

Contact us now!